maanantai 3. lokakuuta 2005

Podcasting - mitä se on?

Rakennamme radioasemaa Viirilään. Lähetykset käynnistyvät ennen joulua tai vuodenvaihteessa. Tuotamme tietokoneelle tai iPodille ladattavia MP3 äänileikkeitä, joissa kerromme mielenkiintoisista paikallisista asioista, uutisista, tapahtumista ja tarjolla olevista palveluista ja tuotteista.

Olemme kierrelleet ja kuvanneet Itä-Suomea eri vuodenaikoina ja tulemme kuvittamaan äänitarinoita niitä tukevilla valokuva- ja videoblogeilla. Tätä kirjoittaessani kuuntelen podcastia Kanadasta, Vancouverista. Tavallisten ihmisten tarinoita arkisista asioista. PODCASTING.

Aiheesta lisää Marjutin Blogissa. Wirby The Global Village Podcasting Studio valmistuu vuoden loppuun mennessä ja tulemme kertoamaan siitä yksityiskohtaisemmin näillä sivuilla lokakuun loppuun mennessä.


Daily Source Code, Adam Curry, The Founder of Podcasting. You may remember him from MTV, but if that is all, then you haven't been keeping up with one of the most tech savy and musically aware individuals in the world. The Godfather of Podcasting, coming to you live from the UK ever.


Podcasting consiste en crear archivos de audio (generalmente en mp3 u ogg) y poder subscribirse mediante un archivo RSS de manera que permita que un programa lo descargue para que el usuario lo escuche en el momento que quiera, generalmente en un reproductor portátil.

Podcasting From

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Podcasting is a method of publishing audio programs via the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed of new files (usually MP3s). It became popular in late 2004, largely due to automatic downloading of audio onto portable players or personal computers.

Podcasting is distinct from other types of online media delivery because of its subscription model, which uses a feed (such as RSS or Atom) to deliver an enclosed file. Podcasting enables independent producers to create self-published, syndicated "radio shows," and gives broadcast radio programs a new distribution method. Listeners may subscribe to feeds using "podcatching" software (a type of aggregator), which periodically checks for and downloads new content automatically.

Most podcatching software enables the user to copy podcasts to portable music players. Any digital audio player or computer with audio-playing software can play podcasts. From the earliest RSS-enclosure tests, feeds have been used to deliver video files as well as audio. By 2005 some aggregators and mobile devices could receive and play video, but the "podcast" name remained most associated with audio.

"Podcasting" is a portmanteau word that combines the words "broadcasting" and "iPod." The term can be misleading since neither podcasting nor listening to podcasts requires an iPod or any portable player. Aware of that misleading association from the beginning, some writers have suggested alternative names or reinterpretations of the letters "p-o-d", without winning much of a following.[1] Another little-used alternative is "blogcasting", which implies content based on, or similar in format to, blogs.

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